The index

The Mirabelle Index is an in memory map which can be used to store events.

Each Mirabelle stream (generated from the configuration file or from the API) has its own, dedicated index instance.

How to push events into the index

  {:name :bar :default true}
  (where [:= :service "bar"]
    (index [:host :service])))

In this example, all events with :service “bar” will be added to the index. They will be indexed by their :host and :service key.

For example, if these two events {:host "foo" :service "bar" :time 1 :ttl 60} and {:host "mirabelle" :service "bar" :time 1 :ttl 60} arrive in the system, the index would contain two keys:

{:host "foo" :service "bar"} -> {:host "foo" :service "bar" :time 1 :ttl 60} {:host "mirabelle" :service "bar"} -> {:host "mirabelle" :service "bar" :time 1 :ttl 60}

If a new event arrives for an already existing key, the old key is overrided.

You can have multiple calls to index in Mirabelle, and index events based on the fields you want.


In Mirabelle, events have a :time (when the event was generated) and optionally a TTL. The default TTL for events in the index is 120 (in seconds). You could also add another default TTL using the with stream.

For example, an event with :time 1 and :ttl 120 would be expired at time 122.

Expiration is important. First, a lot of streams which work on windows of events will remove expired events automatically. Indeed, if you use for example coalesce, you don’t want to keep forever the latest event for a host which does not emit anymore. When the event is expired, it’s removed from the action.

Expiration can also be used to detect services which stopped emitting.

Indeed, if an event stored in the index is expired, it will be reinjected into the stream with :state "expired". You could then catch it with something like:


By forwarding expired events into dedicated actions, you can for example trigger alerts based on that.

In order to trigger event expiration from events stored into the index, we should use the reaper action. All streams in Riemann are using the events clocks to trigger side effects, and the reaper action will update the index clock if needed, trigger events expiration, and then reinject the events into streams:

(reaper 5 :custom-stream)

The reaper action takes as first parameter the interval (in seconds) on which the reaper stream will expire events. Don’t forget you should feed the reaper action with events in order to move its clock.

The custom-stream parameter is optional. By default, events are reinjected into the current stream. You can also pass a stream name to the reaper action in order to reinject events into another stream.

I recommand you to not call forward all events to the reaper (it will impact performances). Instead, identify a couple of events arriving regularly, and forward them to the reaper in order to update the index clock.


You can query the events stored into the index. The query should be a valid where clause in base64. For example [:and [:> :metric 10] [:= :service "bar"]] would be WzphbmQgWzo+IDptZXRyaWMgMTBdIFs6PSA6c2VydmljZSAiYmFyIl1d.

You can send queries using the Mirabelle (or Riemann) TCP clients, or using the HTTP API.

Pub Sub

Users can subscribe to the index using Websocket, in order to see in real time which events are indexed. Check the pubsub documentation for more information.